Role of AI & ML in Interview as a Service Platforms

The combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has recently proven to be one of the best integrations in the field of recruitment sector, and this technical breakthrough has offered a whole new dimension in altering the interview as a service platforms in Bangalore.

AI has made inroads into practically every aspect of business, regardless of industry, and the recruitment industry has not been left behind. Having matured over the last few years, AI and ML are no longer in their infancy. Hence,their arrival into the human resource management field is not at all surprising. Furthermore, with Bangalore as India’s IT hub, integrating AI and ML by interview outsourcing companies is a natural progression.

The role AI & ML

Before delving into the function of AI in technical interview outsourcing, it’s worth noting the humblest concept of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

1. When technology assists machines in working and reacting like humans, this is referred to as artificial intelligence.
2. Machine Learning is a subclass of AI, and while the two are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not synonymous. Machine learning aids in the recognition of patterns and assists AI in making well-informed decisions. For example, machine learning will aid in cataloging the pattern of candidates’ personality factors to determine whether or not they are suited for the offered position, and AI will be aware of this.
3. In any industry, it is criticle to meet hiring targets on time or else, apart from the stagnation of growth, there will be no value addition to the organisation year after year.
4. Every sector witnesses hiring obstacles, and AI & ML can help to mitigate these issues swiftly, easily and effectively.

1. Sourcing Process is time-consuming and exhausting:

Talent acquisition is a lengthy process with many constraints and repetitious work, from sourcing to final selection and conversion. In today’s competitive labor market, even the smallest delay could result in the loss of outstanding talent to a competitor. AI has significantly lowered the cost of sourcing and has proven to be effective in locating the appropriate talent at the right time.

  • Using AI and machine learning techniques, applicants with the requisite expertise can be quickly identified from a large pool of candidates.
  • Even before the job is posted, AI may identify the applicants with appropriate skillset for the position and provide them employment recommendations.
  • In addition to the foregoing, AI in HR is now advanced enough to offer forecasts about conversion rate, performance, tenure, etc.

2. Interview schedule and Screening:

With the help of Digital assistance, candidates can schedule and reschedule their interview at their convenience, send drafts, references, sources, reminders, reviews, etc.

  • Overall, it provides and splendid platform which reduces the interview as a service platforms burden of HR and stress on the candidate, thereby resulting in a positive interview experience.
  • AI can help in collecting data about the candidate’s employment history, former job profiles, roles and responsibilities, achievements, etc., and preparing an effective set of questions for deeper evaluation of knowledge and skillset.
  • AI & ML reduce the burden on the hiring managers and as an outcome, managers can devote ample time to evaluating the candidates’ suitability for the required role.

3. Assisting in selection and accurate offer:

Even though AI & ML does not finalize or any hired candidate (it is not advisable to do so also), it has evolved as a predominant assistant to the selection process in the following ways:

  • Based on the data available, AI & ML in evaluating the performance index predictions based on the candidate’s current profile and comparing the same with the others who have worked in this same field in the organization.
  • It can gather the wealth of information from the market and competitors concerning the roles vis a vis remuneration and evaluate the same to construe profile and emolument bracket for the same.

4. Conversion and onboarding:

The major three aspects of talent acquisition are Selection, conversion, and onboarding and AI has a fundamental role to play in all three. Studies of Work Institute showed that 40% of new hires resign within one year. Candidates who have a smooth onboarding process and good experience in the first ninety days of employment are more likely to stay in the long run than the opposite. This allows us to evaluate the importance of effective onboarding of the talents.

AI apart from reducing administrative burden and repetitive filings can guide the new hires through Digital Assistant in a more effective way. It can guide employees towards relevant information, training, studies that are required for day-to-day deliverance in the new role.

Interview experience and onboarding have emerged as significant parameters for improving conversion rates. A smart, effective, proactive, onboarding process can have a significant impact on the candidate and brand value of the organization. The new recruitments also have a voice and the data provided by them plays a significant role in improving the process of onboarding, retention, and strategic engagement.

In today’s time in the field of talent acquisition, AI & ML has come a long way. Now it has become a prerequisite to onboard the top talents from the market to gain an edge over the competitors. This is one of the prime reasons for the growth of the Human Resource Management industry, Interview as a service platforms, technical interview outsourcing services, etc.

As per a study conducted by one of the top interview as a service platforms in Bangalore, in an average the top talents in an IT industry receives 3 to 4 in average offers at the same time. The hiring battle is fierce when it comes to the right candidate and with the assistance of AI&ML the industries gears up for the battle to land its hand on the desired candidate.

Why Traditional Interviews are not Preferred by Interview as a Service Platforms?

There has been a paradigm shift in the recruitment field and giants of this sector observed that traditional interview approaches are no longer sufficient to explore the true potential of a prospective candidate. Various interview as a service platform all over the world are reinventing interview process and updating their interview methodology that aligns with their futuristic vision of their industry.

Why are traditional hiring techniques no longer enough for evaluating candidates? The prime reason being scripted answers and interviewers choose candidates they like over those who have the most potential in short. The typical hiring technique has shown time and again that it is ineffective in predicting future performance of individuals. An interview is defined as a conversation between interviewer and interviewee with a purpose or as “a guided conversation”. What makes the interview different from a conversation is that it is designed for a specific purpose and requires careful preparation.

In a survey, respondents noted the bias problem in traditional interviews as well as their limited ability to assess soft skills and weaknesses. It’s hard to evaluate grit in a candidate or spot disorganization simply by having a small chat. In traditional interviews, you’d ask candidates about their skills and experience to see if they’re a good fit for the position. For decades, it has been the industry standard, with options such as in-person vs. phone, one-on-one vs. panel, structured vs. unstructured questions, and so on. Call them archaic or dull, but they’re nonetheless widely used and widely regarded as successful. As per research conducted by a reputed Interview as a service platform in Bangalore, the hiring companies are leaning towards the candidates with superior soft skills and other behavioural parameters .

The traditional interviews fall short in various aspects which are considered as mandatory. A few of them are:

• Soft skill assessment of the candidate

• Not asking the right question to understand the limitations and weakness of the candidate

• Lengthy hiring process

• Interviewer bias and interview capacity.

We have reached to a point where we all want information to help us make better recruiting decisions and better understanding on who is most likely to succeed and stay at our companies. Our interest in testing and learning stems from the fact that these exams are designed to achieve just that. Let’s discuss some of the innovative ways for the same:

1. Casual, Candid and Conversational Interview:

The interviewer comes to the interview with no preconceived thoughts or frameworks; rather the interviewer generates questions in response to the interviewees’ narration of his or her reality and experience.
The intention of such interview is to expose the candidate to an unanticipated situation which helps the interviewer to develop a better understanding of the interviewees’ true potential.
The job interview can happen even place over a meal or a cup of tea. It’s a great way to get to know someone in a real world.

In a relaxed situation, interview can be conducted, outside the interview room. Candidates can be observed and their behaviour and personality can be analyzed. Just because casual interviews don’t use any preconceived thoughts or frameworks doesn’t mean that they are random and non-directive.

According to one interview as a service platform, such interviews cannot be started without detailed knowledge and preparation if we want deep insights into candidates’ true potential & the way they handle a crisis. Soft skills tests are here to stay, and it’s time to remodel the interview process. Another reason for disengaging traditional hiring is being redesigned because it is less efficient and expensive. Soft skills assessment and video interviews have replaced the traditional phone screen, enabling the companies to rapidly and efficiently select candidates based on their potential rather than their experience.

2. Virtual reality (VR)

The best way to understand the potential of the candidates is to witness their capability in a real-life workspace scenario and this is where virtual reality (VR) comes into the picture.

Even though the use of VR in hiring process has not explored enough yet it is not very hard to imagine its potential this field. Virtual reality exams are utilized in conjunction with in-person interviews, with casual interviews added afterwards to acquire a second opinion before making a final decision. Companies will rely less and less on traditional interviews as more innovations emerge in the future.

3. Audition for the post:

Organizations can assess the applicants to do a venture so they can see the them on the job . Imagine this like a realistic job preview, both the company and the candidate would get a real sense of what the employment relationship would be like.

Job try-outs are also used to screen groups of candidates, but they’re also employed after regular interviews to evaluate people for extended lengths of time.

4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Selection, conversion, and onboarding are the three key parts of talent acquisition, and AI plays a critical role in all three.

• It provides a platform that alleviates HR’s interview burden of pre-screening as well as candidate’s stress, resulting in a great interview experience.

• AI may assist in the collection of data related to a candidate’s employment history, previous job profiles, roles and duties, successes, and so on, as well as the preparation of an effective set of questions for a more in-depth assessment of knowledge and skill set.

• AI and machine learning ease the strain on hiring managers, allowing them to spend more time examining candidates’ fit for the job.

With advancement of technology, research and development in the field of human resource management, the recruitment process has gone through an extensive transformation in order to achieve the refinement in hiring candidates with utmost potential. The Interview as a service platforms in Bangalore are establishing themselves as torch bearer of such techno driven hiring process and outcome is clearly astounding. One can comprehend that in future recruitment process is every sector is going to witness a tremendous transformation.

Interviews: Tracing the Way Back !

One of the major purposes of any documentation is to backtrack the work. Any path which cannot be traced back can be easily flawed. Tracing the old school method of technical expert interviewing platform would be like re-enacting the crime scene, based on only assumptions and various permutations and combinations.

With no records, proof, or base to verify if the interview was effective, most of the conventional methods of interviewing, once done if anyone wants to look back and review the process, it is going to be fuzzy, or at times blank. No interviewer would have an accurate review of the interview conducted by him. It would be his instincts that made him close on a person but not an appropriate methodology.

Moving forward does not imply that

we blank out the path we have travelled

Only when an interview is documented, given its due importance, respective credits, we can ensure an effective interviewing platform.

When it is not effective in-house; the only solution would be to outsource technical interviews to a dedicated team who can conduct on-demand interview service. When their sole purpose of existence becomes only conducting technical interviews with experts in the respective domain; their capability factor increases multifold.

That is where a company that considers interviews as a service platform comes into the picture. The team would be responsible for the interview scheduling process, ensuring effective interviewing platform, documenting for future reference until closing the final candidate, and handing it over to the client. The whole process would become traceable and clearer. When one realizes that it is measured and documented; the approach, respect, and attitude towards the process changes.

Until now, every interviewer would discard the journey of an interview, only fix the destination. But the path is equally, in fact, more important than the destination.

If Sheldon was an Interviewer !

Any organization would have a mixed bag of employees, the social guy, the interview services, the technical geek, the managerial fellow, and many more.

Is ever a thought given to the person who interviews, while scheduling an interview?

Of course, their availability is considered; in most cases, the primary criteria are ONLY availability, the organization demands the interviewer to make themself available. The comfort level of the interviewer for conducting an interview services is never the question in the picture.

If a socially awkward technical geek takes an interview, he would have a lot of tricky and mastery questions under their sleeve; but would be unable to build a rapport with the opposite person. He would not make the interviewee comfortable with his presence to interact. He would not read the body language of the person. So he would not make an effective interviewer.

In the same way, a bare minimum competent-socially freaky guy would make his presence very comfortable; but to what extent he would evaluate the technical competency is again a big question mark. His interview would be more of a personal interview rather than technical.

These are just a few of the traits, an interviewer may be of any kind. All of them are not ideal ones for being an interviewer.

Evaluation of the person evaluating is the primary decree of any interview

But who has time for all those in a company?

Any activity that cannot be accomplished effectively by the internal sources must be outsourced to the specialists.

For an HR of an organization with a few hundred employees, the internal interviewer is just a name, with no image of his character.

Only the right ingredients in the right proportions make a perfect dish.

And only a person with culinary skills can sense it.

To make things more relatable and understand the gravity of the situation. Let’s imagine our few favorite characters take an interview.

An imaginary episode of BBT in which all the characters take an interview services for an assistant of theirs.

After firing Alex, the Caltech research assistant; Sheldon is in search of a new assistant. HR has sent him the CV of six prospective candidates. Sheldon must screen their profiles before he schedules the online interview. He must finalize the assistant within a week. Sheldon doesn’t want to miss the Comic-Con event on that weekend. So, he avoids scheduling interviews on the weekend. He has just four days left. He wants to devote all his time in the university working time to super asymmetric theory. So, he decides to conduct the interviews during weekday evenings.

Sheldon goes through the CV. Without a second glance, he rejects two profiles irrespective of their accolades and achievements because they were mere engineers (!!). He believes engineers can never be as best as a physicist (prejudice).

Sacrificing his game night, ‘dungeons & dragons’ appointments in the week, He fixes four others for an online interview.

During the interview services, Sheldon tries to prove that he is the smartest, the interviewees feel uncomfortable as Sheldon loves telling people they are wrong. He displays no empathy in that. He takes four interviews, but 2 of them hung half the way as they felt he was constantly humiliating them. But Sheldon wasn’t aware of that. (Being the worst judge of human behaviour). If the candidate happens to answer the question, he shot more questions till they gave up. Sheldon was satisfied in showing that he was superior. So, he did not end up the right candidate. He never had the eyes to search for the right one, though he was technically super competent.

He was never the material for an interviewer. But he wasn’t evaluated on those grounds (In fact, he was never assessed). He needed resources, so he had to choose them.

The maximum criteria of an interviewer as per the organization are

  • At least 4-5 years of experience (in some cases even team members with three years’ experience take interview.)
  • Their engagement with the project which requested resource
  • Their Availability

Rest assured, no one sees the social skills of an interviewer.

Social intelligence plays an
Important role while taking an interview.

The ideal scenario: Sheldon lists out his specific requirement in detail, outsources it to a team that specializes in it.

Who would say ‘No’ to a service in which you give the list of prospective candidates and get back the list ranked in order rated by a subject matter interview expert? The organization has to create a seat for the new entrant!!!

And now, what would happen if Penny was to interview and hire a resource?

To be continued.