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Learn how VProPle’s AI driven auto scheduler helped PeopleBox save more than 63% of productive time
To choose for open positions in 3 niche and 6 standard skills, 122 candidates were to be interviewed in different time zones
Candidates’ availability match with the right panel’s availability was a big hassle; the verge of losing pre-screened candidates due to high TAT
Limited internal Panels were unavailable to conduct high volume interviews in short notice
The internal HR team of the start-up found it difficult to schedule/organize and give a closure to such a surge in interview numbers
Candidates were assessed based on curated (after discussion with People box’s tech team) and calibrated JD by experienced industry experts
Pre-availed slots with panels, along with candidate self-schedule and AI driven auto scheduler
48 hrs TAT, trackable and traceable at each stage
Final deliverable being detailed feedback, with comparable score cards and recorded link of the video
All pre-screened candidates were reached out by team VProPle, and interviews scheduled accordingly
14 candidates were selected after 2 rounds within 2 days
Results were available within 04 hrs of interview process for faster onboarding decisions
Peoplebox released the offer letters within 5 working days of sharing the profiles