Why Companies are Investing in Interview Services to Improve Candidate Experience


The bustling landscape of the job market is continuously changing, and today, how candidates feel during the recruitment process is super important. The reason? Positive candidate experience is a critical component of hiring top talent in the competitive recruitment industry, where the best candidates often have multiple job offers.

Many companies are adopting new hiring solutions like interview services to offer candidates an exceptional interviewing experience. These kinds of services not only make interviews smoother but also make them more personalized for candidates. It is a win-win because companies also benefit a lot from interview as a service platform.

How? These platforms help them attract ideal candidates while ensuring a streamlined and fair interviewing process. If interviewing services are news to you and you are not familiar with the benefits of offering the best candidate experience, this blog is for you!

Here, we will discuss why candidate experience matters so much in today’s modern business world. We will also see how technical interview as a service India makes interviews easier and more convenient for everyone involved. So, let us get started.

What Is Candidate Experience?

Candidate experience includes all the interactions an applicant has with the organization during the hiring process. From the moment the candidate applies for the job to the final decision on whether the candidate is hired, the candidate’s experience includes all the touchpoints.

But one thing to know here is that it is not just about the technical aspects of the process. Instead, it is also about how the candidate feels throughout the hiring process. A positive experience might involve smooth and transparent communication, quick responses, respectful treatment and a streamlined interview process.

Also read: How to Improve Candidate Experience in Recruitment

How Does Candidate Experience Impact the Hiring Process?

Candidate experience impacts the hiring process significantly. A positive interviewing experience is necessary to attract, hire and retain the best candidates. That is because if you offer a positive experience to candidates, they are more likely to accept job offers, recommend your company to others and even consider reapplying in the future.

On the other hand, candidates with a negative experience may withdraw their applications and give negative feedback about the company to others, which, in turn, might somehow affect the company’s image in the job market.

Did you know? 79% of job seekers report that they consider the overall experience when deciding whether to accept the job offer.

What Are the Challenges That Come with Traditional Hiring?

Now that you know the meaning of candidate experience and its impact on the hiring process, let us see the challenges that come with traditional hiring:

Complicated Hiring Process

The traditional hiring process is often lengthy and time consuming. Simply put, there are multiple rounds of interviews, discussions and online interview assessment that candidates have to go through. This prolonged process and late decision making results in candidates losing interest in the job or looking for other job opportunities.

Strict Scheduling and Locations

Traditional interviews require applicants to follow strict scheduling and travel to different locations for face-to-face interviews. This rigidity becomes a problem for candidates who live in different geographical locations and who are currently working in some company. It will ultimately limit the talent pool and affect the company’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts.

Lack of Proper Communication

This is one of the most common issues in traditional hiring practices. Many candidates experience no updates or feedback from the company regarding the status of their job application and performance in the interview. This lack of communication and feedback not only makes candidates feel disconnected from the recruiting process but also makes them feel frustrated.

Related: Virtual Interviews Vs. Traditional Interviews

Why Should Companies Focus On Candidate Experience?

Now let us explore the benefits of offering a positive interviewing experience to candidates:

       Offering candidates exceptional hiring experience helps companies build a strong employer brand in the job market.

       When candidates enjoy a positive experience during the hiring process, they are more likely to engage in word of mouth with others in the job market. This increases the chances of companies finding the right candidates for future job openings.

       A positive candidate experience helps companies attract top talent. That is because when candidates feel valued and respected during the hiring process, they are more likely to consider the company as a desirable place to work.

How Does Interview Services Enhance Candidate Experience?

Below is a detailed look at how interview services and interviewing platforms transform the candidate experience:

Streamlined Interview Process

Technical interview as a service in India uses the latest technology to offer features like on demand video interviews, centralized candidate evaluation tools and interview recording.

This makes the hiring process more efficient and enjoyable for candidates as they do not have to deal with a slow and inconsistent hiring process with unnecessary steps.

Flexibility and Convenience

Interviewing platforms offer candidates unparalleled flexibility and convenience. These platforms eliminate the need for candidates to travel to a particular location for interviews.

Not only this, but the platforms allow candidates to self schedule their interviews from anywhere. All these factors ultimately make the interview process more accessible for candidates while enhancing the DEI efforts of companies.

Transparency and Smooth Communication

Transparency and communication is one of the key focuses of technical interview platforms. As a result, the platform ensures candidates are well informed with all the latest interview updates and the progress of their interviews. This results in increased trust and reduced uncertainty, which, in turn, creates a more positive candidate experience.

VProPle offers a user-friendly interface, tailored interviews, responsive support, constructive feedback and online interview assessment to ensure a positive candidate experience. These qualities make our platform stand out from other interviewing platforms.


Ultimately, it is safe to say that interview outsourcing companies play a crucial role in helping companies focus on and enhance the candidate experience during the interviewing process. With the increase in the advent of new technologies, platforms like technical interview as a service India are sure to become a necessity.

Besides helping companies improve candidate experience, these platforms also help them achieve their DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) goals. If you want to discover how technical interview platforms can revolutionize candidate experience, contact VProPle today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1- What are interview services?

Ans. Interview services, also called interview as a service, involve outsourcing technical interviews to interview outsourcing companies. These companies conduct online interview assessment on behalf of companies.

Q2- How do interview services work?

Ans. Technical interview services allow companies to delegate their interviewing process to external service providers. These providers offer a comprehensive suite of services such as conducting interviews and assessments, recording interviews and providing feedback to the hiring organization.

Interviewing platforms also provide access to a wide network of interview experts to ensure candidates are evaluated by experienced professionals with relevant technical knowledge.

Q3- Can I customize interview services to suit my company’s unique needs?

Ans. Yes, you can tailor the interviewing process based on your specific needs and job requirements by providing the interview outsourcing company with a set of questions to ask candidates during the interview.

Moreover, you can also decide the grounds on which you want the outsourcing company to evaluate candidates. This way, you can ensure that interview experts assess candidates’ capabilities based on your unique needs.

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